Tips for Speaking More Slowly and Clearly with a Teleprompter

1. Awareness is Key

The first step to speaking more slowly is simply being aware of your natural speaking pace. When you’re in front of a camera, adrenaline can make you speak faster than you realize. Consciously remind yourself to slow down. One way to do this is by mentally noting to take a breath at the end of each sentence or significant phrase. This not only slows your pace but also improves clarity.

2. Practice Pacing with a Metronome

If you tend to speak too quickly, practicing with a metronome can help. Set a slow, steady beat and practice reading your script in time with the clicks. This technique trains you to maintain a consistent pace and can be particularly effective if you have a tendency to speed up as you get deeper into your presentation.

3. Use Pauses to Your Advantage

Pausing is a powerful tool in public speaking. It gives your audience time to absorb your message and prevents you from rushing. Deliberately pause after important points, between sentences, or even in the middle of a sentence for emphasis. This not only helps you slow down but also makes your speech more impactful.

4. Record and Review

Recording yourself practicing in front of the teleprompter can be incredibly helpful. Play back the recording and listen to your pace. If you find that you’re speaking too quickly, consciously slow down in your next attempt. Over time, this practice will help you internalize a slower, more deliberate pace.

5. Adjust the Teleprompter Speed

The speed of the teleprompter text can influence how fast you speak. If the text is scrolling too quickly, you’ll likely speed up to keep up with it. Ensure the scroll speed matches your desired speaking pace. Don’t hesitate to slow it down more than you think you need; it’s better to err on the side of being slightly too slow than too fast.

6. Break Your Script into Chunks

Breaking your script into smaller, manageable chunks can help you slow down. Focus on delivering one idea at a time, rather than rushing through to get to the end. Think of each chunk as a standalone thought that deserves its own time and space. This method also helps with maintaining a natural flow in your delivery.

7. Enunciate Each Word

Slowing down gives you the opportunity to enunciate each word more clearly. Focus on pronouncing the beginning and end of each word distinctly. This not only improves your clarity but also naturally slows down your speech, making it easier for your audience to follow along.

8. Incorporate Breathing Exercises

Deep, controlled breathing can significantly slow your speech. Practice breathing from your diaphragm, taking slow, steady breaths as you speak. This technique forces you to pace your speech and ensures that you don’t run out of breath mid-sentence, which can often cause speakers to speed up.

9. Visualize Speaking to One Person

When presenting, imagine you’re speaking to just one person instead of a large audience. This mental shift can help you adopt a more conversational tone and pace, naturally slowing down your speech. You’re less likely to rush when you’re focused on ensuring that one person understands every word.

10. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse

The more you practice, the more control you’ll have over your speaking pace. Rehearse your script multiple times, focusing specifically on maintaining a slower pace. Over time, this will become second nature, and you’ll find it easier to deliver your message slowly and clearly, even under pressure.